RESOURCES - For writers of all genre, and the readers who love them. Find what you want to know.
2025 JAN Calls for Submission
🔴 New Listing | ⭐ Added after mailout. | no link-not accepting

- Picture Books, We are seeking: Fiction and nonfiction manuscripts for picture books for children ages 1 to 8.
Word count: Up to 1000 words. - Middle Grade Fiction, We are seeking: Fiction queries and sample pages for middle-grade novels for children up to age 12.
Word count: Up to 35,000 words. - Young Adult Fiction, We are seeking: Fiction queries and sample pages for young adult novels for ages 12-18.
Word count: Up to 70,000 words.
Apofenie is an online literary magazine founded in 2017. Although Central and Eastern European literature has come to represent the backbone of our platform — we were even named one of the 10 best English-language magazines from across Eastern Europe and Central Asia by The Calvert Journal—writers and translators from across the globe are welcomed to submit their work, as long as what they have to submit is compelling. In our forthcoming issue of Apofenie Magazine, we seek essays, poetry, and prose that engages the theme of veils in all their symbolic, material, and visionary manifestations. We insist that speaking—and thereby listening—cuts through the darkness of wars, genocides, and occupations, thus opening spaces for grief and witness.
ARCHER PUBLISHING is seeking short stories and novellas for its thriller anthology, Back Alley: Tales of Suspense (2024). We want stories to be well-written, fast paced, topical, progressive, thematic, and very entertaining. Can include straight-up suspense, thriller, noir, neo-noir, or dark fiction. Can include serial killers, rough neighborhoods, sleek exteriors for grizzly backdrops, gun molls, femme fatales, gangsters, gangstas, wet streets, foggy nights, boardroom shenanigans, double-crosses, nail-biters, edge-of-your-seat tales etc., so long as the story is gritty, imaginative and well-executed. Think Memento, Gone Girl, Man on a Ledge, D.O.A., The Big Clock, Laura, The Lady from Shanghai, or Out of Time. Push boundaries of imagination. Your tale should be juicy, unputdownable, and should shock, gall, astonish, provoke and, most of all, entertain.
Call for submissions – Chasing your dream. Eyes on the prize. – If Atmosphere Press selects your book for publication, you will receive exceptional and personal editorial insight, top-of-the-industry book design both inside and out, and thoughtful and targeted book promotion to help you reach your readers. You can expect a response from us within two weeks, so keep an eye on your email. PUBLISHING: Fiction, NonFiction, Poetry, Kids, Young Adult.
Austin Macauley Publishers™ accepting submissions – publish with us today – Find Out More
We accept manuscripts across all genres, with or without an agent, from anywhere in the world. Whether you are a new author or have been previously published, Austin Macauley Publishers™ would like to hear from you. The review process can take up to three weeks. We will contact you once a decision has been reached. Accepting manuscriptions without literary representation.
The Autoethnographer, an award-winning, non-profit, open-access, peer-reviewed, digital literary and arts magazine, invites you t submit your work! Our independent editorial team of international artists, performers, writers, and scholars invites unpublished, unsolicited, evocative stories – sometimes textual, audio, visual, or multimodal – crafted in conjunction with autoethnography that celebrate the intersection of personal expression and cultural inquiry.Autoethnography is a qualitative research method that utilizes lived experience as evidence with which to explore cultural phenomena. It is often described as a hybrid form of ethnography & autobiography in that autoethnographers use lived experience to explore cultural issues. Autoethnography then can be a purposeful short story, a video monologue, a gallery of images, a quilt, a song, a poem, a dinner menu, artwork, and even a live performance When such expressions also celebrate or investigate cultural experiences. The following may be of assistance:
Writing, Poetry, Multimedia, Visual Arts
Founded in 1998, Autumn House Press is proud to have published debut collections by poets such as Ada Limón, Danusha Lameris, Eric Tran, and Cameron Barnett, and fiction writers such as Michael X. Wang and Wendy Wimmer, and nonfiction by Beth Alvarado, Dickson Lam, and Clifford Thompson. The press believes literature affirms the deep and elemental range of our human experience, and our need for it is now more crucial than ever. Autumn House is committed to championing debut, emerging, and established authors and to supporting our authors throughout their careers. We pledge to edit their work with devotion and care and to create beautiful books.
- Poetry Prize: Closes June 30, 2025: For the 2025 prize, the Autumn House staff as well as select outsider readers serve as the preliminary readers, and the final judge is Matthew Olzmann. The winner receives publication of their full-length manuscript and $2,500. The submission period opens May 1, 2025, and closes June 30, 2025 (Eastern Time). We will announce the finalists and the winner by October 1, 2025.
________________________ - Fiction Prize:Deadline: Feb. 28, 2025 For the 2025 prize, the Autumn House staff as well as select outsider readers serve as the preliminary readers, and the final judge is TBA. The winner receives publication of their full-length manuscript and $2,500. The submission period opens on January 1, 2025, and closes on February 28, 2025 (Eastern Time). We will announce the finalists and the winner by June 1, 2025.
________________________ - Non-Fiction Prize: Closes April 30. 2025 : For the 2025 prize, the Autumn House staff as well as select outsider readers serve as the preliminary readers, and the final judge is May-lee Chai . The winner receives publication of their full-length manuscript and $2,500. The submission period opens March 1, 2025, and closes April 30, 2025 (Eastern Time). We will announce the finalists and the winner of the contest by August 1, 2025.
________________________ - Rising Writer Prize: The 2025 Rising Writer Prize is for a first full-length book of fiction (the 2026 prize will be for a first book of poetry). The Autumn House staff and select outsider readers will serve as the preliminary readers, and the final judge is K-Ming Chang. The winner receives publication of their full-length manuscript and $2,000. The submission period opens on August 15, 2024, and closes on November 15, 2024 (Eastern Time). We will announce the contest’s finalists and the winner by March 15, 2025.
________________________ - Open Call: Closed
________________________ - CAAPP Book Prize: The reading period opens on December 15, 2024, and closes on February 15, 2025.
Please submit a manuscript between 48-168 pages. The prize is awarded annually to a first or second book by a writer of African descent and is open to the full range of writers embodying African American, African, or African diasporic experiences. The book can be of any genre that is, or intersects with, poetry, including poetry, hybrid work, speculative prose, and/or translation.
________________________ - Donald Justice Poetry Prize: Autumn House Press is pleased to partner with the West Chester University Poetry Center for the Donald Justice Poetry Prize. The Donald Justice Poetry Prize is part of the Spencer Poetry Awards, which Kean W. Spencer created in honor of his mother, Iris N. Spencer. The prize recognizes the distinguished American poet, teacher, and Pulitzer Prize winner, Donald Justice. The WCU Poetry Center welcomes submissions of unpublished, original book-length manuscripts that pay attention to form for consideration in this competition. The winner of the competition will receive $1,500, and have their manuscript published by Autumn House Press. The judge for the 2024 prize is Major Jackson. All manuscripts and payments must be received by November 15, 2024.
Each month we curate a list of contests, fellowships, and other writing opportunities with approaching deadlines. Opportunities will be posted in the month prior to their deadlines, so that you have ample time to submit your work or applications. Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry
Storm Publishing: Accepting Manuscript Submissions
Storm Publishing was founded in 2022 by Oliver Rhodes, the founder of Bookouture. They published their first book in the spring of 2023 and Rhodes brought a number of Bookouture staff members over to Storm with him. Storm Publishing focuses on publishing adult fiction including thrillers and crime fiction, historical fiction, romance, women’s fiction and science fiction and fantasy.
What it is: Baen Books has been publishing science fiction and fantasy for decades. The Writer’s Center says: If you’re looking for a science fiction/fantasy small publisher that does it all—hardcover, paperback, and ebook—Baen is for you.
Jim Baen Memorial Short Story Award – Since its early days, science fiction has played a unique role in human civilization. It removes the limits of what “is” and shows us a boundless vista of what “might be.” Its fearless heroes, spectacular technologies and wondrous futures have inspired many people to make science, technology and space flight a real part of their lives and in doing so, have often transformed these fictions into reality. The National Space Society and Baen Books applaud the role that science fiction plays in advancing real science and have teamed up to sponsor this short fiction contest in memory of Jim Baen.- Contest opens for submissions on October 1, 2024 at 12:01am EDT. (Entries sent before that date will be deleted unread.) Deadline – 12:01am, U.S. Pacific Time, February 1, 2025.
Brink’s publishing internship program seeks to bring underrepresented and diverse voices into the publishing industry itself. Through our fifteen-week program, interns learn the essential ins and outs of the industry and become crucial contributors to the positive social change Brink affects every day. Open for submissions Jan 1 – Jan 31, 2025 Theme of Renewal
Through Submittable, we accept a variety of creative work from Nonfiction to Fiction, from Poetry to Translation. But our hearts beat strongest for hybrid work. We are interested in work that presses boundaries by using more than one medium to tell a story; work that looks and feels different on the page. Brink has two reading periods per year: January and July. July 1 – 31 we will open for submissions engaging the theme of Access.
The Call for Papers website is provided by the Department of English at the University of Pennsylvania as a courtesy to the academic community. We welcome literature and humanities calls for papers. SCROLL FOR DEADLINES
Public Facebook Group with lots of listings for all genre. Updated regularly (daily it looks like).
We are looking for stories, and poems that tell a story, from writers of all faiths. This includes writers who do not follow a particular religion. This book is by and for everyone.
Chronicle Books is an independent publisher in San Francisco. They publish books, stationery, journals, puzzles, and games. The Writer’s Center says: Note that Chronicle Books publishes coffee table books, and books and gifts for children. To encourage submissions from a wide range of potential authors, Chronicle Books has an open submissions policy. We accept unagented submissions of any projects suited to our list, from brilliant books to innovative gift products. Before sending projects to us, please read the following guidelines carefully. Adult Trade Submissions – Children’s Submissions (picture books, middle grade, or young adult) – Portfolio Submissions (freelance illustrator, photographer, or other visual artist guidelines) – Freelance Writer Submissions
In 1955, two years after opening his iconic bookstore, City Lights, Lawrence Ferlinghetti launched City Lights Publishers. City Lights publishes “works of both literary merit and social responsibility.” The Writer’s Center says: This publisher focuses on socially engaged work—work that calls out injustice and offers solutions to societal problems.
Adult Trade Submissions, Children’s Submissions, Portfolio Submissionsm Freekabce Writer Submissions (SCROLL DOWN THE PAGE)
Inspired by the mission and role of the town common, an egalitarian gathering place, The Common aims to foster the global exchange of diverse ideas and experiences. As such, we welcome and encourage submissions from writers who are Black, Indigenous, people of color, disabled, LGBTQIA+-identifying, immigrant, international, and/or otherwise from communities underrepresented in U.S. literary magazines and journals.
- March 1 – June 1
- September 1 – December 1
- Subscribers may submit year-round for free
A long lis of calls for submission for all genres. Working taking a look at. Has a quick genre sorter . Scroll down for current and future dates.
List of Literary Agents 2023-2024 – Use our free lists of book agents in our literary agencies database for all Book Agents Near Me searches.
A large list by month of various resources requesting submissions. Updated daily.
Call for Submissions to the Missouri Review’s 34th Annual Jeffrey E. Smith Editors’ Prize
The Missouri Review‘s 34th Annual Jeffrey E. Smith Editors’ Prize is accepting submissions through Tuesday, October 1! One winner from each genre (fiction, nonfiction, and poetry) will receive a $5,000 cash prize, as well as publication and promotion. Winners will be announced in early 2025. There is a $4 reading fee for each genre. Click here to open the online submissions form! Contest guidelines and eligibility details can be found below:
The Writing Center’s digital literary magazine, The Orange Couch, is accepting submissions for their 4th issue. The magazine is revision-based and requires the writer to receive feedback either through a writing center appointment (we offer three modalities) or through either Writers Guild or the Latinx Writing Group (the Writing Center’s creative writing groups). Deadline Nov 30-2023
We evaluate poetry, fiction, non-fiction, children’s fiction, biographies, degree theses. There are no thematic limits.
The minimum length of submitted works must be 40 pages (72,000 characters in total); a minimum of 25 poems should be sent for poetry. There is no limit for the maximum length. Submission deadline: 26 December 2024
Annual Issue Reading Period: September 15 – December 15 (Scroll to bottom of page)
Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, Stage & Screen, Experimental, Art
Exposition Review is an independent, multi-genre literary journal dedicated to showcasing the talents of emerging and established writers and artists through narratives in all forms.
Mark your calendars – on June 4, our next round of Flash 405 will open for submissions! Our Flash 405 writing contest is a celebration of short-form narratives, accepting work in multiple genres, from prose to poetry to hybrid and experimental forms. This round, we are looking for flash work inspired by the theme “Persona.” The theme was chosen by Expo Associate Editor Madeline Grimm, who will be serving as judge for our June contest. Deadlines: February 4–March 5, April 4–May 5, June 4–July 5, August 4–September 5
We publish quarterly & are open year round for submissions:
December 16th – March 15th: reading for Summer Issue (June 10th release)
March 16th – June 15th: reading for Autumn Issue (September 10th release)
June 16th – September 14th: reading for Winter Issue (December 10th release)
September 15th – December 15th: reading for Spring Issue (March 10th release)
Fahmidan comes out four times a year online. Send us your thought-provoking existentialism, your phobias, your darkest moments. Entrance us with your whimsical fantasy. Move us to tears with your truth in a world of suffering. Captivate and intrigue us with your hopes and dreams. A broad range of styles, forms and voices make any journal truly representative in the 21st century and we are no different! Check out a few of our previous issues to understand more about our style.
Check out their Lastest listings page for various types of contests and Calls for Submission. New listings added.
Currently Open: Historical Shorty Story, Monthly Micro, Short Story, 7 Day Story Writing
Golden Storyline Books are proud to collaborate with established authors and new and emerging writers. Submissions can be made by agents, publishers or authors directly. We regard ourselves as being a vehicle for creative voices to reach a wide audience. In general we prefer to specialise in publishing the genres that we are familiar with. The publication and editorial team are always open to receiving submissions for proposed books in the following genres: Mystery/Thriller, Crime Fiction, Sci-fi/ Fantasy, Young Adult, Woman’s Fiction, Historical Fiction and Suspense/ Psychological.
Open Call for Submissions: Open Call for Submissions: Contemporary Poetry in Translation Prizes Submission Guidelines Recommended Reading Craft of Writing. Graywolf Press publishes about 30 books annually, mostly poetry, memoirs, essays, novels, translations, and short stories.
Our editors are looking for high quality literary fiction, nonfiction, and poetry that combine a distinct voice with a distinct vision. Our editors seek out and solicit promising work from authors that they encounter in the pages of magazines, at writing conferences, and in other venues. Graywolf Press is excited to offer an open submission period this November for contemporary poetry in translation.
No Place Like Home Non-fiction and fiction
There’s no place like home – although home isn’t always a place. It could be a feeling, an instinct, a language, a person, a memory; it could be where we long to return or can’t wait to escape. But for all its symbolic resonance, home also has myriad material consequences: from the picket fence to the political arena, it raises questions of sovereignty, identity, economics, class and domestic labour. What’s the future of home ownership? What does it mean to protect endangered languages? How do our conceptions of home shift when we start new lives in different countries?
Harlequin is looking or story submissions from debut romance writers in underrepresented communities for a chance to have your debut novel published.
- Love Inspired Books is Seeking Amish Romance
- Harlequin is looking to publish more romance stories by authors in underrepresented communities
Holiday House is a publisher of children’s books only. We specialize in quality hardcovers, from picture books to young adult, both fiction and nonfiction. We publish children’s and YA books for all ages. We do not publish mass market books, including, but not limited to, pop-ups, activity books, sticker books, coloring books, or licensed books. We do not publish any material created by AI.
The Writer’s Center says: This is a very established publisher of quality picture books, middle-grade books, and young adult fiction.
Havok publishes sharp, memorable short fiction between 300 – 1,000 words. We want stories that hit fast and strike hard––stories that, no matter the genre, can cut through the day’s troubles and grip distracted readers. And there’s no quicker way to get your masterpiece rejected than to ignore our submission guidelines. So read through the following information and be sure to follow it to the letter. Or else. Using the Season Themes to inspire you, send us a story that fits any of the following Daily Flash genres:
- Mystery Monday – From cozy to crime scene, start your week off with a bit of mystery. Creep through downtown foggy London Town, spy on secret agents at a midnight meeting, catch up with an old friend who may or may not be a cat burglar, or just figure out who stole your homework before the last bell rings. Anything with a sense of the mysterious or unknown also fits this category. No matter the mystery, there’s no case Havok can’t solve from the comfort of your own bed.
- Techno Tuesday – As your week hits its stride, don’t be afraid to ask, “What if…” What if NASA really is covering for the aliens? What if your new cell phone comes with a free brain implant? What if a radioactive spider gives you super powers? What if time travel vacations are a thing of the past? With Havok, even the mysteries of the universe aren’t too great to explore over your morning cup of coffee.
- Wacky Wednesday – Halfway done, and who couldn’t use a little humor over their lunch break? Well, embrace the lighter side of Havok as you laugh your stress away, 1,000 words at a time. Whether you’re running alongside a hilariously unfortunate private eye, hitching a ride across the galaxy, helping a kid defend his home from Christmas burglars, enjoying a “sick day” with a high school adventurer, or going on an epic quest to find a holy grail, you can rest assured that your adventure will be anything but serious.
- Thriller Thursday – As your week races to a close, get caught up in some heart-pumping excitement and suspense. Run down a terrorist before time runs out. Infiltrate a secret society before they collect the last relic. Untangle a sociopath’s plot before he pins the whole thing on you. Take down a crime boss before he takes
- Fantasy Friday – TGI fantasy! Now, sit back and drift into another world filled with high elves, amateur wizards, magic wardrobes, suave vampires, and gun-slinging monster hunters. With Havok, there’s no limit to how far the story will take you as you kick your feet up and usher in another fantastic weekend.
How2Conquer is looking for nonfiction book submissions from subject experts who want to share their expertise with readers. Our books generally share three things in common: use of story, an emphasis on graphics, and an encouraging tone.
Authors may submit the first three chapters of a manuscript along with a book proposal (or the info usually in one) until March 31st. We respond to submissions within 6-8 weeks.
We prefer completed manuscripts with a target range of 40,000 – 70,000 words, and we’re currently working to build our lists in the following categories:
- Business – General (including Business Development, Business Leadership, Business Management)
- Business – Industries (including Security, Business Resiliency, Franchise, Restaurant & Food Industry)
- Hobbies & Home (including Crafts, Cooking, Pets & Animal Care)
- Parenting & Relationships
- Self-Help & Personal Growth
A number of editors and contest organizers have contacted us recently for help getting the word out to our community about their contests and calls with upcoming deadlines. We’ve added a few more we thought would be of interest. Some offer free submissions, others charge a small fee. Aslo check out the sidebar menu for the laqtest blog posts and more submission requests.
- 10 journals with free submissions that pay – Free places to submit your poetry, fiction or creative nonfiction - Free publishing opportunities August to October – Where to submit your fiction, poetry & creative nonfiction in August, September & October
Joffe Books is one of the UK’s leading independent publishers of excellent commercial fiction, especially crime and mystery fiction. We are renowned for working closely with authors from across the world to create fantastic books and turning them into bestsellers. We accept submissions from agents, previously published authors (including self-published authors) with long backlists, first-time writers with only one book under their belt, and anyone in between. We pride ourselves on the passion and dedication we pour into each and every book we publish. Check the SUBMISSIONS menu.
Established in 1974, Kensington, America’s independent publisher, located in New York City, is the foremost independent publishing house in the United States publishing in hardcover, trade paperback, and mass market. We publish over 600 books annually in both fiction and non-fiction. Kensington has sweeping and diverse imprints, including Kensington, Zebra Books, Pinnacle Books, Lyrical Press, Dafina Books, and Citadel Press. These imprints are well-known for popular commercial fiction, mysteries and thrillers, African-American titles, multicultural fiction, nonfiction, as well as true crime and Westerns. Kensington continues to be the foremost American publisher of romance novels.
A list of editors seeking submissions for various genre, including fiction, poetry. essays and more. Annual submissions in September.
SUBMISSIONS: This is the only screenplay competition founded by a team of working Hollywood professionals with more than 1,000 produced credits and a century of collective industry experience. Our roster of Senior Judges includes multiple Oscar, Emmy, Grammy, and WGA Award Winners.
- Feature Screenplay
- TV Script
- Short Screenplay
- Contests:
Please contact Sylvia Skene at exec(at) if you do not see your deadline listed here. We reserve the right to post only those contests, submission periods and deadlines of interest to or run by our members. A few tips on submitting: Scroll for deadlines.
18 Literary Magazines Accepting Submissions in 2024
This March there are more than seven dozen calls for submissions. All of these are paying markets, and none charge submission fees. As always, every genre, style, and form is wanted, from short stories to poetry to essays.
91 Paying Markets: Calls for Submissions in October
All calls for submission:
Agents seecking submissions:
Hi, we’d like to share a call for submissions through our literary journal, Metapsychosis. Metapsychosis is a journal of consciousness, literature, and art, publishing original writing and integral art from the evolving edges of contemporary philosophy, spirituality, storytelling, and poetics. We feature authors who blend the visionary with the literary, the surreal with the subtle, engaging the complexity of our human condition with dark lucidity and shocking nuance. No fee; no pay.
We have an open submissions page here
We also have a monthly call, the current one being here
We’re pleased to announce that the publishing imprints of Misti Media are now open to submissions! Please visit our Calls for Submission page.
- For information on our open call for A Killing at the Copa: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Songs of Barry Manilow click HERE.
- For information on our open call for Close My Eyes Forever: Crime Fiction Inspired by Heavy Metal Hits click HERE
- For information on our open call for Santa Rage: 12 Stories of Murder and Mayhem click HERE.
Submissions are currently open.
32 Literary Agents Accepting Submissions in 2024
Call for Submissions: Our Stories Redefined Anthology for African Writing 2024 Mystery Publishers is a premier Pan-African, author-focused, independent publisher with a strong bias toward Africal speculative and pop fiction. Based in Kenya, our mission sis to create opportunities for new-age African writers.
An online literature and art magazine, published three times annually, with a year-end print anthology. We are interested in quality fiction, poetry, nonfiction, visual art, music, and short videos, imposing no restrictions on genre; however, we only accept written work that has not been previously published, whether in print or online. We are open for submissions from February 1 to March 1 for our spring issue, June 1 to July 1 for our summer issue, and October 1 to November 1 for our winter issue.
View the latest calls for submissions for writing, art, book-length and chapbook-length manuscripts, photography, and more from magazines, publishers, writing conferences and events, writing programs, etc. Informatino added regularly.
Contests: Novel, Young Writers, Poetry, The David Raffelock Award for Publishing Excellence, Short Sotry, NWAR Scholarship.
New Listings posted.
Theater Arts: Screen Plays, OPEN CALL for Submissions, OPEN: Journal of Arts and Letters will consider fee-free submissions of screen plays as Feature Film script, Concept Video, or Series Pilot script. O:JA&L will nominate a qualified screen play for the BLUECAT awards in each category. Submitters should include a cover letter. This cover letter should contain a HEADER for the script, a LOGLINE of up to 30 words, and a SYNOPSIS of the work (without spoilers) of up to 150 words. The cover letter should also supply a third-person professional biography of the submitter in 100 words, more or less, and a link to the submitter’s IMDb page, if available.
Submission Guidelines:
Submit Online:
The Journal of Travel, Place, and Nature’s DAWN issue. This bright, awakening, and challenging composition comprises a multitude of world views, places, and experiences. We explore new beginnings, transitions, dawnings, and realisations. New landscapes are explored. New places ventured. New experiences, in familiar environs, are retold. New is often seen as positive, yet change is often more complex, and we look at this too.
Pecan Springs Publishing, Your guide to adventure, one page at a time. We are a royalty-paying publishing house. Our team seeks books written by authors of diverse backgrounds who share our goal of uplifting the human spirit and stimulating the imagination.l We do accept unagented manuscription on all genres for both children and adults. Yes, cookbooks are accepted, but poetry book are usually not.
Persea is an independent, literary publishing house founded in 1975 by Michael Braziller and Karen Braziller. Persea has published hundreds of books in the genres of poetry, fiction, essays, memoir, biography, and “revived classics.” They focus “on contemporary issues expressed through individual experience.” The Writer’s Center says: Persea Books is well-known for its poetry, but anthologies like short have garnered acclaim. Not accepting Fiction & Nonfiction submissions. Accepting: Poetry
Poets & Writers Magazine is unable to check all claims made by advertisers. Readers should be aware of publishers who charge, rather than pay, an author for publication; publishers who do not pay for publication, even in copies; publishers who require a purchase before publication; and contests that charge high reading fees. The magazine recommends that you see the publication and submission guidelines before submitting a manuscript.
Submissions for Long-Winded officially opened on July 1st, 2023, 12:00 AM Pacific time. Submissions close December 31st, 2023, 11:59 PM Pacific time. Before submitting, please take the time to review our FAQ page for full submission guidelines. Welcome to Long-Winded (temporary title), a multimedia anthology for the verbose, loquacious, and sesquipedalian. In other words: chatty creators, this one’s for you.
We want works with titles of five words or longer. There is no strict theme for the content of your works, but if you’re looking for some inspiration for your starting point.
Calls for Submission: Scifi, Fantasy, YA, Memoir, Literary Fiction, Nonfiction and more
Dozens of calls for submissions. All of these are paying markets, and none charge submission fees. As always, every genre, style, and form is wanted, from short stories to poetry to essays.
Happy submitting.”
Looking for Authors:
67 Calls for Submissions in February 2024 – Paying markets – This February there are more than five dozen calls for submissions. All of these are paying markets, and none charge submission fees. As always, every genre, style, and form is wanted, from short stories to poetry to essays. I post upcoming calls for submissions shortly before the first day of every month. But as I am collecting them, I post them on my page, Calls for Submissions. You can get a jump on next month’s calls for submissions by checking that page periodically throughout the month. (I only post paying markets.)Also see Paying Markets for hundreds of paying markets arranged by form and genre.
Quirk Books is a small publisher that publishes books for adults and children in a number of genres and categories. Some of their best-selling titles include Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Quirk’s books are distributed worldwid e by Penguin Random House. The Writer’s Center says: Despite being a small publisher, Quirk Books is established and well-known in the book world. Unsolicited submissions inbox is currently closed.
Guidelines for all our anthologies: 5,000 to 8,000 words. Length and genre are negotiable, as long as the story fits the concept and is entertaining. Any submission must be in Times New Roman (preferred, but you can use Georgian or other readable font), 12PT, double-spaced, with your name, title of the story, and your email on it. Name the file as [STORYTITLE]-[YOURLASTNAME]—[ANTHOLOGYTITLE]. Send it in a .docx format as an attachment—no links. Refer to the submission guideline graphic below for how to format your story—It has all the information you need! Feel free to download it for reference. IMPORTANT: PLEASE do NOT submit stories until the date the call opens. We don’t want to hang on to your piece for longer than necessary. You might find another market for it, or it decides to grow into a novel, or…so go ahead and write it, but tuck it away, and revisit it before submitting.
Got great story ideas, but don’t have time to write? We need outlines, too. Create story outlines and help provide more and more exciting stories for Readict users. Get paid immediately for each accepted outline. In addition, we will add you to our VIP list of the Write for Hire project.
A comprehensive directory of the best publishers in 2024, vetted by the team at Reedsy. Showing 532 publishers.
Room‘s contests are open women (cisgender and transgender), transgender men, Two-Spirit and nonbinary people.
Each entry must be original and unpublished. Read the General Guidelines
Check this space regularly for periodic Calls for Submissions from the editors of Science Editor. Suggestions for submissions and new topics or areas of interest are always welcome at For a description of article types of interest, please see our Information for Authors page.
Skyhorse Publishing is the fastest-growing small publisher in America, according to Publishers Weekly. They publish outdoor sports, adventure, team sports, nature, country living, politics, public health, current events, true crime, history, military history, reference, and humor. Skyhorse is distributed by Simon & Schuster in the U.S., Canada, and overseas. The Writer’s Center says: Skyhorse Publishing focuses on particular genres, so be sure to research their imprints and understand what they publish before submitting work to them.
Solstice Literary Magazine is a compilation of stories, ideas, and experiences of community members from all over. The magazine is a space that allows for people to write freely and purposefully, nurturing meaningful interaction and conversation among topics of diversity and social justice. We value diverse voices and perspectives that examine the full spectrum of human experiences, amplify marginalized perspectives, and explore what it means to have a more compassionate and equitable society as we move into our future. Solstice: a Magazine of Diverse Voices, is currently open for general submissions in all categories. Our guidelines
General submissions are closed.
The Southern Quill, first printed in 1951 and published by Utah Tech University, has been in circulation for more than half a century. Published annually, the journal welcomes submissions of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and visual arts from writers and artists residing anywhere in the United States.
The Southern Quill’s annual publication would not be possible without our generous donors, contributors both writers and artists, and the hard work from our dedicated staff. Applications are due by Monday, October 7, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. MT
How to Submit Creative Writing and Art to Stone Soup. Stone Soup welcomes submissions from around the world by writers and artists ages 13 and younger. All submissions must come to us via Submittable. We do not accept submissions by email or by post.
8 New Agents Seeking Cookbooks, Kidlit, Horror, LGBTQ, Women’s Fiction, SFF, and more.
We publish personal essays, short stories, poems, and black-and-white photography in print and online in our monthly magazine. We’re looking for narrative writing and evocative photography from all over the world. Send us work that maps the human landscape, where the light catches on the faintest joy, where darkness sometimes threatens to overwhelm, and where ✗ never marks the spot because the truth is never so simple.
For 2024, the editorial team will be taking a hiatus from the open reading period to catch up on the very high volume of submissions they’ve received. Please check back in 2025—or visit our social media—for more updates, and thank you so much for your continued interest in Tin House.
PAYING/NO FEE Submission call + editor interview –
By Trish Hopkinson on September 9, 2024 • ( Leave a comment )
Dead Forever is the second Grateful Dead themed poetry anthology currently open for submissions of poems inspired by the Grateful Dead and related music projects. They are a paying market. Scroll page for listings
It is important that you read the complete guidelines for each contest or reading period before submitting your work. Writers submitting work for consideration may be published authors or writers without previous book publications. Submissions are accepted from anyone writing in the English language, whether living in the United States or abroad. Scroll down for current dates.
The editors of Waxing & Waning want what’s on the fringe. Whatever is deep and true. The moon represents this idea: what is dark, what is brooding, what is wild, what is crescent and changing. We want to feed the beast in you, the one buried beneath layers of manners and anxiety and internet induced abyss, repetition, and relative sameness. Work submitted to Waxing & Waning should be honest and well-executed. It should scream coherently; it should bring experiences and knowledge out of us that we have not seen before. It should rip out our black hearts and put them in front of our eyes. Bring us the work everyone else is afraid of. Bring us the work you’re afraid of. Bring us the work that gets at the trueness frightening you out of the routine.
Two contests: The Blackout Edition, and The Tennessee Tempest Edition Click the contests link in the main menu.
WE ARE ACCEPTING Horror Flash Fiction: (between 50-1500 words) Send no more than TWO flash fictions per submission. All Horror subgenres shall be considered
We are accepting TRANSLATED WORKS as well. Submission of translated works must be accompanied by a statement declaring that the translator has obtained the author’s permission and their publisher’s, if required.
Create a story centered on a mysterious and sinister book that, upon contact with blood, reveals choices to the reader. Each choice is unpleasant and laden with consequences. These choices should explore the depth of human decision-making in a supernatural context. We encourage creativity in exploring the theme. How does the book come into your character’s life? What choices are they forced to make? How do these choices reflect their deepest fears and/or desires? For inspirations, feel free to listen to Crossroads Cantina episodes “The Book”, “Finding Nemo” and “One light Town”
Our upcoming theme is War & Peace. Feb. & March 2024 submissons for the summer/fall 2024 issue of Wordpeace. Future special issues will be announced on our website at
Workman Publishing is an independent publishing company that is part of Hachette Book Group, a big five publisher. Workman publishes cookbooks, parenting/pregnancy guides, books on gardening, country living, humor, children’s books, gift books, fiction, and calendars. They have several imprints, including Workman Publishing, Algonquin Books, Algonquin Young Readers, Artisan Books, The Experiment, Storey Publishing, Timber Press, duopress, and Familius. The Writer’s Center says: Workman offers an unparalleled opportunity to get your manuscript in front of a major publisher that publishes many bestselling books.
As you already know, The Writer encourages all of our readers to practice their craft and put their stories in front of the eyes of as many people as possible. Writing contests have always been a vital part of the writing world, giving writers the chance to have their work reviewed by editors and possibly published. Literary journals, universities and even The Writer regularly host writing competitions, helping authors gain exposure and hone their craft. Choose your inspiration, submit before the deadline, and, as always, keep writing.
Guide to Literary Agents
Looking for the best opportunities for writers? Our Featured Listings offer the top writing contests, updated calls for submissions, plus great conferences and residencies. We’ve searched the Internet to bring you noteworthy calls for submissions and writing contest info, plus checked in on the hottest conferences and residencies. Writer’s Relief has done all the research so you don’t have to.
Writers Space Africa (WSA) Magazine is an international literary magazine, which features a rich diversity of writings from African writers to a global audience. Calling African Writers
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