The site for writers of all genre, and the readers who love them.  Find what you want to know.

Article Submission Guidelines

As a readers’ and writers’ community, is comprised of input from both those who read and those who write (and those of you who do both). We welcome submissions to our site and are always interested in articles that showcase your talents with the written word. Before submitting, however, you should take a look around our site and get an idea of the content we already carry as well as areas that appeal to you.

Types of Articles We Carry

There are a million different dimensions and approaches to writing, and we’re interested in articles that cover virtually any of those, from developing different writing skills to running a successful writing business. We are not restricted to certain genres or types of writing or markets. We like articles that provide concrete, useful advice from those who have been in the trenches and made a successful journey with their writing. In general, our articles run between 600 and 900 words. We carry articles on:

Fiction: We cover both general fiction writing technique and specific genre information. We also cover the ins and outs of publishing, working with an agent, evaluating a contract, etc.

Nonfiction: From book proposals to freelance articles, we are interested in articles on all aspects of non-fiction writing, too. We especially welcome input from experienced writers who have carved out a specific niche in the non-fiction market.

Writing Life: Everything from working around kids to doing self promotion can fit into this category.

Tips and Tricks: These are fast, easy tips and tricks on doing anything from formatting a manuscript to organizing your writing files.

We are interested in articles that cover both the basics and advanced writing techniques. Our site visitors are from all areas of writing, so keep that audience in mind when writing for us.

What Rights We Ask For

We accept reprints and original articles. YOU RETAIN ALL RIGHTS TO YOUR ARTICLE. We only ask for non-exclusive rights to post the article on our site and in our archives. If you sell it elsewhere and would like us to pull it from WritingCorner, just drop us an email and we’d be glad to do so. As a rule, we only accept submissions from the original author, to avoid any possible copyright infringement. If you quote or site another author’s work, please include the permission granted to you to quote that author’s work with your submission.

What We Pay

One-Time or Occasional Contributor – At this time, we do not pay for articles. We do include a bio, photo and link to your website or book, and a one month FREE SideBar Ad. As working writers ourselves, we understand the need for payment, and hope to offer payment in the future.

Monthly or Quarterly Contributors

  1. A MONTHLY CONTRIBUTOR will receive a sidebar ad in all sections of
  2. A QUARTERLY CONTRIBUTOR will receive a sidebar ad in the section for which they contribute.

How to Submit to Us

Please send your query or completed article to We usually respond within 2 days.

Ideas and Input

We welcome your input and ideas. If you are interested in a certain area of writing and don’t see an article on it, let us know. If you’d like to submit a book of yours for review, please send us the information. We can’t guarantee to review every book sent to us, so please understand if we have to decline.

We’re also interested in book giveaways and contests that help drive traffic to us and you, so feel free to propose either of the above. For more info on giveaways and contests email:

2025 JAN Writing Contests

Posted 01-01-2025
⭐Anthology 01-02-2025

Proofreaders Marks

Proofreaders marks from the Chicago Manual of Style online.  A must for all writers.

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