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Kathy-CarmichaelWelcome to the world of Kathy Carmichael where there are evil dust bunnies and troublesome trolls lying in wait around each bend, ready to make you laugh and smile and discover your inner child.  When Kathy grew up in North Dallas, the area wasn’t developed as it is now. Across the street from her home were woods thick with trees and ivy, and a white-chalk creek. There were fairies beneath rocks and pretend people hiding under bushes. She spent much of her childhood telling herself and neighborhood children stories of knights and magic and beautiful damsels.

Kathy believes one of the most important gifts you can give your children (and dust bunnies) is to read to them. She’s doing her best to pass on a love for the written word and hopes each of her readers will do the same.  http://www.kathycarmichael.com/