YOUNG ADULT-CHILDREN - For writers of all genre, and the readers who love them.  Find what you want to know.

by Linda S. Dupie

Have you ever said, “I have nothing to write about.” It’s just not true. You have plenty look around. Everywhere you go; everywhere you look there are hundreds of ideas. You have to open your eyes and mind and let them in.

Before you say the ideas been done, let me say this, it probably has a hundred times over but what makes it original is your slant on the topic. If writers were to avoid ideas because someone else has covered it, the written world including movies would cease to exist because there wouldn’t be a need for writers.

No matter what your age, open your eyes and mind, absorb your surroundings, and then write.


Playgrounds are great to jog your memory of events that would make excellent essays, plots for short stories and articles.

Libraries-There is literally thousands of ideas at your fingertips here. You could write book reviews. Write a rebuttal to an article you don’t agree with.

School/College-Why not write a survival guide article. How to survive the eight grade, how you completed your first year of college without gaining the ‘Freshman 15’. A how to article is perfect for magazines that target your peers.

Pets-How to articles. For example, you convinced your parents to let you have a pet; you have what you need to write a how to for other kids based on your experiences. Be serious or funny whatever works for you.

Your community-Has a peer or adult accomplished something extraordinary or ordinary that benefited others? Interview them for a profile piece.

Trends/Fads- As a kid or teen you’re in a unique position of spotting a trend before it really happens. Look around at your peers, what are they wearing? How are they talking? Did a friend just return from Europe? Did they bring back anything that might become trendy here? Write about it!

Television-Write about the reality shows from your point of view. What do you really think of them? Your perspective will vary greatly from that of an adult.

Grocery stores-This is a great place to observe people and gather traits for characters in your short stories. You could write a humorous essay comparing your shopping list with that of your parents.

Hobbies-Do you have a unique hobby? Write about it and share your expertise with others.

Politics-You’re never too young! Is something happening locally, state or nationally that affects you and your peers? Dig around, make some calls and try to talk with the individual or individuals involved to help you understand and then write about it to help others understand.

Ideas are everywhere, just look around, and you’ll never say I have nothing to write about again.

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