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Literary Agents List
New Agency Alerts and Agents Seeking Clients
Agents A – Z
Please visit the website or email questions to the agency before submitting your work. Information presented below may have changed.
3 Seas Literary Agency
Accepts: Romance, women’s fiction, historical, regencies, paranormal, romantic suspense, non-fiction, young adult and children’s. Send a query letter, synopsis, the first three chapters, a bio sheet and SASE to: Michelle Grajkowski, 3 Seas Literary Agency, P.O. Box 8571, Madison, WI 53708 or e-mail her at web:
Anne Marie O’Farrell
Only represents practical and narrative non-fiction in the areas of business, self-help, health and fitness, spirituality, cooking, gift books, travel, sports and quirky books. We do not represent fiction, memoirs or screenplays. Your query should contain a succinct and exciting explanation of the book concept, information on why you are the right person to write this book, and your ability to market and publicize the book. Authors seeking representation must have extensive traditional and social media platforms, seminar and/or speaking event schedules.
Atchity Entertainment International
AEI thinks of itself first and foremost as a STORY MERCHANT – discovering, acquiring rights to, and managing the developing, publishing, producing, distributing, marketing, licensing, and virtually every facet of a literary property that can be exploited for commercial gain in all media throughout the world. We have long been a “full-service” literary company, offering “under one roof” the management of all services associated with the exploitation of stories for any storyteller (writer or otherwise) wishing to earn money from getting his or her story to the right audience in every possible medium.
Alison Picard, Literary Agent
Adult fiction and non-fiction, children’s and young adult (15%).
No short stories, poetry, plays, screenplays or sci-fi/fantasy.
No reading fee.
Founded 1985.
PO Box 2000, Cotuit , MA 02635, US
Andrea Brown Literary Agency
The Andrea Brown Agency ONLY accepts submissions digitally and ONLY accepts children’s literature submissions (picture books through young adult), with the exception of Laura Rennert and Jennifer March Soloway who are also accepting adult submissions. If you have consulted a guidebook that says otherwise, please note that our website always reflects our most current policies.
Andrea Hurst & Associates Literary Agency
Non-fiction: personal growth, self-help, memoirs spirituality, parenting, business, cookbooks, holistic health, narrative , true crime. Fiction: Commercial, women’s, mystery, thriller.
Andrew Lownie Literary Agency
Specializes in history, biography, current affairs, reference, and celebrity books. The Agency is always looking to take on new authors but only accepts submissions by email. It aims to reply within two weeks.
Angela Rinaldi Literary Agency
At the Angela Rinaldi Literary Agency, we have been opening publishing doors for writers of fiction and non-fiction since 1994. Each submission sent is read carefully with the intention of discovering the finest work to present to publishers. Our extensive experience as editors, and vast knowledge of the industry, is the foundation that makes us the best partner to encourage and guide writers through the publishing process, always keeping in mind creative strategies for the emerging opportunities available in the new media. We represent an eclectic list of passionate storytellers and writers with big ideas who have made a difference in the world.
Ann Elmo Agency
Romance, History, Nature, Ecology,Parenting, Family, Pop culture, Entertainment
Science, Technology Accepts queries by post but only for people referred. Works with foreign agencies.
Andree L. Abecassis, 305 Seventh Avenue #1101, New York, NY 10001
B.J. Robbins Literary Agency
We are always looking for fresh talent and we welcome the opportunity to consider your work. Before submitting, please check to see if your book falls within the genres we are looking for. We represent authors in a multitude of categories, including literary and general fiction, select genre fiction (mystery, suspense/thriller, historical), sophisticated young adult fiction, and nonfiction with commercial appeal, including biography, memoir, history, health, travel, sports, African American, science, pop culture.
Right now, we are especially looking for strong literary/commercial crossovers with book club potential, smart speculative fiction, and multicultural stories (fiction or nonfiction) that open our eyes to a new place and/or time. No matter the genre, we are always looking for strong writing—a voice and talent that speaks for itself—and unique stories that demand to be told. We love to be surprised or moved or both, and to learn something new—a rare perspective, a little-known history, a new way to evoke character.
We do not represent screenplays, plays, poetry, science fiction, westerns, romance, techno-thrillers, religious tracts, dating books, illustrated children’s books, middle grade, or anything with the word “unicorn” in the title.
Baldi Agency
Fiction and Nonfiction. Malaga Baldi has worked as an independent literary agent since 1986. The Baldi Agency is an eclectic agency specializing in literary fiction, memoir and cultural history. She worked as a cashier at Gotham Book Mart, in the Ballantine Books Publicity Department, as an associate at Candida Donadio & Associates and the Elaine Markson Agency before going out on her own. Baldi believes the strength of the author’s voice and the heart of the story to be key when considering new work. Baldi graduated from Hampshire College and lives in NYC.
The Balkin Agency Inc.
Accepts adult non-fiction, professional books and college textbooks. Query with outline and sample chapter.
PO Box 222, Amherst, Massachusetts MA 01004 tel: 413-548-9835 Richard Balkin
Barbara Markowitz Literary Agency
Children’s fiction, middle grade, young adult (11-15 year-olds), historical fiction (home 15%, overseas 15%).
Seeking contemporary and historical fiction 35,000-50,000 words for 8-11 and 11-15 year-olds. No fables, fantasy or fairytales; no illustrated books; no sci-fi. Send a query with SASE and 2-3 sample chapters.
PO Box 41709, Los Angeles, California 90041
Bert P. Krages II
I counsel writers, photographers, and illustrators regarding issues such as reviewing publishing contracts (never sign the version the publisher gives you), agent agreements, enforcement of publishing agreements (nonpayment and reversion of rights), and opinions regarding copyright, defamation, and privacy.
Betsy Amster Literary Enterprises
is a full-service literary agency located in Los Angeles, California. We handle publishing rights and all ancillary rights (such as film, TV, audio, electronic, and foreign) for the authors we represent. We work with both first-time and established writers and are known for our expert attention to every aspect of the publishing process.Queries for adult titles should be addressed to For fiction or narrative nonfiction, please embed the first three pages of your manuscript in the body of your e-mail. For other kinds of nonfiction, please embed the overview of your proposal.
Queries for children’s and YA titles should be addressed to For picture books, please embed the entire text in the body of your e-mail. For novels or literary nonfiction, please embed the first three pages.
Betsy Nolan Literary Agency
The Betsy Nolan Literary Agency represents a wide variety of nonfiction for a general audience. Some of our best-selling categories include: cookbooks, lifestyle, decorating, gardening, self-help, childcare and psychology. (Unfortunately we are unable to accept fiction, poetry and screenplays.)
Beverly Slopen Literary Agency
Accepts a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction (No fantasy, horror, or romance). Accepts e-queries. We don’t take on many new authors. Our clients usually come to us by referral or we approach them. To submit a work for consideration email us a short query letter and a few sample pages. Submit only one work at a time. If we want to see more, we will contact the writer by phone or email.
We don’t handle poetry, very few children’s titles, and almost no works in the categories of horror, romance or illustrated books. We do not accept hard copy submissions.
131 Bloor St. W., Suite 711, Toronto, Canada M5S 1S3, Tel: (416) 964-9598 E-mail:
Blanche C. Gregory
Interested in adult fiction and non-fiction. Accepts e-queries.
2 Tudor City Place, New York, NY 10017 212-697-0828
Bob Erdmann
Will show your book and represent you to international publishers if he’s interested in your material.
Bob Mecoy
Creative Book Services, seeking commercial fiction/mystery
460 West 24th Street Suite 3E, New York, NY 10011
Phone 212-226-1936 Fax 212.226.1398 email:
Bookends Literary Agency
BookEnds represents fiction and nonfiction for an adult audience. In fiction our agents specialize in romance, mystery, suspense, thrillers, science fiction and fantasy, women’s fiction, historical fiction, literary fiction and upmarket fiction. We are also seeking nonfiction in the areas of memoirs, history, food, current affairs, business and career, parenting, pop culture, and general nonfiction.
BookEnds Jr, represents fiction and nonfiction for the young adult, middle grade and picture book markets. In fiction we are looking for contemporaries, romance, science fiction and fantasy, historical fiction, graphic novels, horror, thrillers, and mystery. In nonfiction we are seeking narrative nonfiction and memoirs.
BookEnds does not represent short fiction, poetry, screenplays, or techno-thrillers.
Books & Such Literary Management
Books & Such will accept e-mail queries for the following genres:Adult fiction and nonfiction.-Teen and young adult fiction and nonfiction.-Middle grade fiction and nonfiction. We do not accept e-mail queries with attachments, or unsolicited phone or postal mail queries.
Bookstop Literary Agency
BookStop Literary Agency is dedicated to promoting authors and illustrators of children’s and young adult books. We work closely with our clients (and their books) to guide them in their careers and their work with publishers. BookStop sells quality picture books, fiction, non-fiction and illustrations to major children’s book publishers in the US and abroad.
Brandt & Hochman
Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc. represents fiction and non-fiction for the general trade market. We work with literary and commercial fiction, mystery/thriller, memoir, narrative non-fiction, journalism, history, current affairs, books on health, science, popular culture, lifestyle, and art history, and children’s books. We do not handle screenplays or textbooks.
1501 Broadway, Suite 2310/New York, NY 10036, Phone:212-840-5760/Fax: 212-840-5776
Carol Mann Agency
Accepts literary fiction and narrative non-fiction, including psychology, biography, memoirs, history, pop culture, spirituality. For fiction, please send a query letter including a brief bio, and the first 25 pages of your manuscript. For nonfiction, please send a query letter including a brief bio, a synopsis/proposal and the first 25 pages of your manuscript. All material should be pasted into the body of your message; attachments will not be opened.
Queries may be emailed to
Castiglia Literary Agency
Literary Mainstream, ethnic fiction, health, science, biography, women’s issues, pop culture, true crime. Query (via mail) the following depending on area of interest: Julie Castiglia — Young women’s fiction Winifred golden–Thrillers and edgy fiction Both women look for literary, ethnic and commercial fiction as well as narrative non-fiction by experts. Mail query with a one paragraph synopsis and bio.
1155 Camino Del Mar, Suite 510, Del Mar, CA 92014, 858-755-8761
The Choate Agency
The Choate Agency’s interest is in strong commercial fiction and narrative non-fiction. The agency does not handle genre fiction, romance, self-help, confessional memoirs, spirituality, pop psychology, religion, how-to, New Age titles, poetry, or screenplays. Queries should consist of a brief synopsis or outline and a short biography. Do not enclose/attach a manuscript or sample pages unless requested. The same goes for copies of self-published books. We strongly prefer e-mail queries and do our best to respond to each one. If querying by mail please enclose an SASE. We do our best to respond to each query but unfortunately are not always able to do so.
Christina Pechstein Agency
The August Agency is always on the hunt for exceptional writers to represent. We have many ways of finding our clients, however we only accept unsolicited queries occasionally through our Submission Form found below.
Cooke McDermid
CookeMcDermid welcomes people of all backgrounds, identities, and perspectives to submit their work using our submissions form. Right now, we are especially eager to read thrillers, horror, commercial suspense, speculative fiction, upmarket women’s fiction, middle grade, YA, literary fiction, research-driven non-fiction, and narrative non-fiction. Please note that we do not accept screenplay, stage play, poetry, or picture book queries.
Craig Literary – Agile International Representation
Mostly I read fiction, and any non-fiction I represent must be on a subject that I believe will have international appeal. The authors I represent and others who are listed under my bio give you an idea of the range of my taste. I love books of fiction or non-fiction that explore globally relevant themes, that transport the reader on a surprising journey across boundaries of culture, and sometimes even of genre; storytelling that dismantles walls and builds bridges, challenging and deepening the reader’s understanding of self and other, of society, language, art, or humanity.
In January of 2015, CLA reopened its Literary division with a singular goal: to develop the bold and exciting writers of today in Television and Film. Our dedication to this goal can be seen in the way CLA helps its writers on a page-by-page basis and offers an unsurpassed level of support and guidance through every step of the production process.
To that end, CLA is focused on pursuing modern, character-driven projects that reflect the diversity of our world. CLA Entertainment, the production entity of our Literary division, is focused on both producing the work of CLA writers and optioning books and screenplays using CLA acting clients. On all fronts, CLA brings a first-class entertainment production pedigree that ensures any projects we select benefit from our decades of experience and contacts with major studios, production companies and financiers.
Darhansoff & Verrill Literary Agents
We are most interested in literary fiction, narrative nonfiction, memoir, sophisticated suspense, and both fiction and nonfiction for younger readers. Please note we do not represent theatrical plays or film We consider unsolicited queries by email. Please send queries to We will be in touch to request material but otherwise will not issue response to individual email queries.scripts.
133 West 72nd Street, Room 304, New York, NY 10023 917-305-1300
David Black Agency
Specializing in sports and politics. To query an individual agent, please follow the specific query guidelines outlined in the agent’s profile. Not all agents are currently accepting unsolicited queries.
To query the agency, please send a 1-2 page query letter describing your book, and include information about any previously published works, your audience, and your platform. Remember that this letter is our introduction to your work and who you are as an author and, if applicable, an expert in your field. If someone kindly referred you to us, do please let us know. You must include a self-addressed stamped envelope in order to receive a response.
Dee Mura Literary
Categories for Fiction and Non-Fiction: Action/adventure, animals, anthropology, archeology, arts & photography, biography, business, chick lit, comedy/humor, contemporary fiction, cooking, conservation & environmental issues, current affairs, entertainment, erotica, ethnic & Jewish, finance, fantasy, gay & lesbian, literary, government, health, historical, home & garden, inspirational, medical, memoirs, middle grade, military, mind & body, mystery, narrative nonfiction, new adult, New Age, outdoors & nature, paranormal, parenting & families, popular culture, psychology, religion/spirituality, romance, satire, science, science fiction, self-help & motivational, sports, thrillers & espionage, travel, women’s lit, young adult. TV Movies, and novels in the following genres: Drama, comedy, horror, sci-fi, action/adventure, romantic comedy, true life drama, crime, espionage, thriller, medical thriller, non-fiction, women’s issues.
P.O. Box 131, Massapequa Park, NY 11762 516-795-1616
DeFiore and Company
A mid-sized dynamic literary agency based in Manhattan’s Union Square. Our staff brings decades of experience as agents, and as former editors, publishers, and rights directors at major publishing companies, to the task of building the careers of our clients. We are currently accepting queries for both fiction and non-fiction titles. Please be advised that we do not represent original screenplays, teleplays, or theater plays. If you would like us to consider your work for representation, please send us a query letter.
Doe Coover Agency
Accepts literary fiction and non-fiction (bio/memoir, business, social science, cooking, and gardening).
P.O. Box 668, Winchester, MA 01890 781.721.6000
Don Congdon Associates, Inc.
We are currently accepting queries from new and established authors via email only. A query letter consists of a one-page description or synopsis of your work and your relevant background information. We ask that you paste the first chapter into the body of your email following your query letter. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.
Donald Maass Literaruy Agency
Seeks mystery, suspense/, romance/, and women’s fiction. We do not represent poetry, picture books, or screenplays. For nonfiction, please see individual agent profiles
Donna Levin Manus & Associates
Fiction: Commercial and literary, mysteries. Non-fiction: Memoirs. Author of Get that Novel Started. (note site is old-school flash)
Doris S. Michaels Literary Agency
Fiction: commercial, literary, women’s, novels with strong screen potential. For a nonfiction project, the most important goal of an author should be to have a unique idea with broad market appeal. The next step is to prepare a professional looking proposal to secure representation by an agent and to sell the work to a publisher. Before submitting queries to agents, a fiction author should have a completely edited and formatted manuscript ready to send.
Dunham Literary, Inc.
30% of clients are new writers. Interested in literary fiction , alternative spirituality, and children’s books (fastest growing area of agency). Dunham Literary represents fiction, narrative nonfiction, and children’s books, including both authors and illustrators.
We do not represent individual short stories, chapbooks, or novellas.
We do not represent screenplays. Dunham Literary accepts query letters by regular mail and email (but not by phone or fax). After receiving a query letter, we request any and all projects that might be right for us.
Dystel & Goderich Literary Management
Accepts adult fiction and non-fiction.
The Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency
We are actively looking for established and new writers in a wide range of genres. We are looking for storytellers of all kinds and remain confident that books, in whatever format they are published, will continue to play a key role in our society to entertain and to instruct. We’re interested in all kinds of commercial fiction, including thrillers, mysteries, children’s, romance, women’s fiction, ethnic, science fiction, fantasy and general fiction. We are also interested in literary fiction as long as it has a strong narrative. In nonfiction, we are interested in current affairs, history, health, science, psychology, cookbooks, new age, spirituality, pop-culture, adventure, true crime, biography and memoir. We are also open to reviewing other genres and topics, as long as the material is for a trade or general audience and not scholarly. We accept unsolicited manuscripts and seriously consider all submissions, including those from first time writers. We also consider submissions for works that are self-published or previously published through other small or non-traditional outlets, though we ask that you follow our normal submission guidelines when sending submissions for these works. We DO NOT represent poetry, short stories or screenplays.
Felicia Eth Literary Representation
Accepts 85% non-fiction (provocative non-fiction on a wide array of commercial subjects) and 15% fiction (mainstream and contemporary — represented Jane Austen in Boca.) Handling book properties comprised of strong voices, intellectually stimulating story lines or discussions, flavorful narratives, books which make a unique contribution and the occasional quirky book that is just too difficult to resist.
First Books
Mainstream fiction and non-fiction. (No romance, westerns, short stories, or extremely violent novels)
We work with upscale commercial nonfiction only. We do not represent fiction, poetry, young adult, children’s books or screenplays. We prefer queries by email: Please include your cover letter in the text of your email; for security reasons, attachments will not be opened. More attention will be given to queries sent to FLAMING STAR LITERARY ENTERPRISES exclusively.
Flannery Literary
We only represent books written for children and young adults. Flannery Literary is looking for strong writing, a unique viewpoint, a memorable story, an intriguing character, and a thought-provoking dilemma a young reader is eager to see resolved. Please send an email query that succinctly describes your book to JENNIFER@FLANNERYLITERARY.COM with the word QUERY in the subject field. Flannery Literary does not return phone call queries nor do we accept Facebook queries (although we do invite you to visit the Flannery Literary Facebook page). We only represent books written for children and young adults.
FRA Literary Agents
FRA (formerly Futerman Rose & Associates) is a leading literary agency based in London, UK, established in 1984. We are affiliated to the Authors’ Agents Association, the Personal Managers Association and the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain. We represent authors of: commercial and literary fiction,non-fiction on practically any subject, with particular interest in politics, sport, show business and the music industry,scripts for film and television. We don’t handle poetry or children’s books (unless by existing clients).
The Garamond Agency
If you are an author looking for representation to trade publishers, we would be interested in hearing from you. Please note that we represent adult, non-fiction projects only. Our interests include—but are not limited to—history, politics, business, science, psychology, social science, and narrative non-fiction. Please do not send us proposals for children’s or young adult books, or for adult fiction, poetry, or memoir.
Gelfman Schneider / ICM Partmners
Contemporary women’s commercial fiction, literary and commercial fiction, mystery and suspense. Mail query.
Glass Literary Management
We do not represent picture books for children. We accept queries by email only. Please send your query for Alex Glass or Rick Pascocello to or
Golvan Arts Management
Represents writers of adult and children’s fiction and non-fiction, poetry, screenwriters, and playwrights. check the International Rights menu for the type of inquiry you need.
Irene Goodman Literary Agency
We are always looking for the finest in commercial and literary fiction and nonfiction. For fiction, please include a query letter and the first ten sample pages of your manuscript in the body of your email. For nonfiction, simply send a polished query letter, and we will request a proposal if we are interested. We do not open attachments, unless we have requested further material.
Grosvenor Literary Agency
We accept queries, no attachments please, by email only. Please submit to: For fiction, email us a query with the first three pages of the manuscript pasted into the email. For nonfiction, email us a query with evidence that you have
a full-length book idea, that you have the credentials to write it, and that there is a market for it.
Hartline Literary Agency
Accepts mainstream and inspirational fiction and non-fiction. PLEASE conform to ALL of the requirements in our submission guidelines. They are listed under our tool bar by genre.
Harvey Klinger, Inc.
Accepts mainstream adult fiction and non-fiction, literary and commercial. We are always interested in considering new clients, both published and unpublished. Bear in mind, however, that we take on only a very small number of new authors in any given year. Do not query more than one agent at Harvey Klinger, Inc. at a time. Do not attempt to query via phone or fax. Do not send us your screenplays. While we do handle film rights for our clients, we do not accept screenplay submissions.
Hill Nadell Literary Agency
Hill Nadell represents a wide variety of genres. To learn more about each agents’ interests, please visit our About Us page. We do not represent scripts or screenplays. We do not take pitches over the phone. To submit, please send us a query with a synopsis of your work, including genre and word count, a brief explanation of your qualifications and experience, and the first five to ten pages of your manuscript. You can either mail a hard copy of your query to our office or submit by email, but please do not submit the same query to both. We usually respond within six to eight weeks.
Hornfischer Literary Managemt
Accepts a broad range of serious and commercial non-fiction and select fiction. We are residents of the digital age to the extent that our rather traditional book-world sensibility allows. We are happy to receive electronic inquiries.
Inkwell Literary Management
Jane Rotrosen Agency
Specializes in commercial fiction (all varieties, including suspense, romance, and mystery) and non-fiction (narrative). Represents well known writer Iris Johansen. JRA represents authors of both fiction and nonfiction. Please read about our team and submit your query to one agent at our agency; if we feel your work would be in better hands with a different JRA agent, we will pass it along.
Jeanne Fredericks Literary Agency
Health/medicine/integrative health/science, Nature/environment/animals/pets, Gardening, Business/real estate, Popular reference/careers, History/biography, Home/decorative arts/antiques, Travel, Cookbooks, Fine arts/crafts, Sports/recreation/fitness, Psychology/self-help/parenting/inspirational. The Agency does not represent fiction, true crime, juvenile, textbooks, poetry, essays, screenplays, short stories, science fiction, pop culture, guides to computers and software, politics, horror, pornography, books on overly depressing or violent topics, romance, teacher’s manuals, or memoirs.
Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency
Adult mainstream fiction, literary and commercial fiction; narrative non-fiction. The first step to getting published is finding a literary agent. The first step to finding a literary agent is submitting a query to one. In its most basic form, a query is a one-page description of your work and a brief biography of yourself.
Jeff Herman Literary Agency
With few exceptions, we are a non-fiction agency. Specific areas of interest include: How to/self help, True crime, Parenting, Business, Health, History, Narrative non-fiction, Memoir, Psychology, Practical Spirituality, Multi-cultural subjects, Reference
The JenniferDe Chiara Literary Agency
Specializes in children’s literature for all ages–picture books, middle grade, and young adult; but also represents adult fiction (literary and commercial, mysteries, thrillers) and non-fiction (humor, celebrity biographies, psychology, self-help, women’s and men’s issues, social issues).
Jim Donovan Literary
We represent both fiction (chiefly mystery/thriller, literary, mainstream) and nonfiction (American history and biography, military, popular culture, sports, health, and general narrative nonfiction). We don’t represent screenplays, plays, poetry, religious books, children’s or middle grade books.
Joelle Delbou8rgo Associates Literary Agency
Fiction: fantasy (Jacquie only), middle-grade, mystery, new adult, science fiction (Jacquie only), thriller, young adult, upscale and/or quality commercial women’s fiction. Non-fiction; biography, business and career, current events, health, history, memoir, narrative nonfiction, parenting, popular reference, psychology, popular culture, science. Do not send us: category romance, Westerns, early reader and picture books, and/or screenplays.
The Joy Harris Literary Agency
The Joy Harris Literary Agency seeks to represent works of literary fiction and non-fiction. Please email all submissions, comprised of a query letter and outline or sample chapter as an attachment, to, with “Query – [title of your work]” in the subject line. We do not accept poetry, screenplays, genre fiction, or self-help submissions at this time.
Kimberley Cameron, AAR, Resse-Halsey
Non-fiction: culture, history, biography, self-help, spirituality. Mainstream & literary fiction, sci-fi. All are welcome to submit. We prefer queries through our submission forms found on each agent’s profile, and we ask that you follow the guidelines below. Please query only one agent, if the agent feels another agent at our agency is a better fit, the submission will be shared internally.
Knight Agency
Seeks Romance: Contemporary, historical, time travel, paranormal sci-fi, romantic suspense, woman’s fiction, commercial fiction, literary fiction. For non-fiction, they seek–business, self help, finance, music, entertainment, media-related, pop culture, how to, psychology, travel, health, inspirational/religious/reference, and holiday books. Scroll down to the “Agent Wish Lists” section on this page to see what our agents are currently looking for. Click the “Query Now” button for the agent you would like to query. Please only query if your manuscript is complete and edited. The agents of The Knight Agency are currently looking for material in a wide spectrum of genres. However, we are NOT currently accepting screenplays.
LA Literary Agency
Adult fiction and non-fiction. We are always looking for talented writers and good books. As a boutique agency, we work closely with our clients from proposal through the publishing process. The Agency represents narrative nonfiction, history, memoirs, sports, biographies, cookbooks, lifestyle, health, psychology, science, parenting, business, literary and commercial fiction. Like all agencies, we receive a great number of submissions. Because of the volume, we cannot respond to all inquiries. However, we look at everything we receive and will call or email if we would like to see more material.
Accepting literary fiction, mainstream/commercial fiction, women’s fiction, fantasy, science fiction, crime novels, young adult sci-fi and fantasy, crime novels, young adult sci-fi and fantasy, young adult thrillers, young adult contemporary, non-fiction, NOT seeking: historical fiction, middle grade, picture books, romance.
Laura Rennert, Literary Agency
Right now, on the children’s/YA side, I’m particularly seeking middle-grade fiction, YA fiction, and picture books by author-illustrators. On the adult side, I’m seeking literary-commercial thrillers, police procedurals, and psychological suspense/horror. I love the following: Contemporary fiction, Multicultural and diverse books, Genre fiction with real emotional power, Speculative fiction and alternate , histories/realities, Fantasy and paranormal, Thrillers, science fiction, and horror, Subversive fairy tales, Works that re-imagine classics or myths, Quirky picture books with humor, warmth, and heart, Works for younger and older readers that tell a great story using words and images in unexpected ways, Upmarket women’s fiction and literary-commercial historical fiction, Thrillers and psychological suspense/horror with unreliable narrators, Police procedurals and thrillers with street cred and authenticity, Works that explore hidden worlds and secret knowledge, Narrative risk-takers
Levine Greenberg Literary Agency Inc
Accepts fiction and non-fiction. For fiction, we ask that you attach the first fifty pages of your novel along with your query, using the submission form on this website.
Linda Konner Literary Agency
Adult commercial non-fiction. health, diet and fitness, addictions, hot=to, relationships, parenting, women’s issues, personal finance, dating, love, marriage, divorce, self-help, popular psychology, career and business how-to, popular science, and more.
Linda Roghaar Literary Agency
90% nonfiction 10% fiction. Handles everything but romance, horror, or sci-fi. We prefer e-queries. Please mention ‘query‘ in the subject line, and do not include attachments.
Literary Group
Accepts 50% fiction and 50% non-fiction (specializes in true crime, military, history, biography, sports, how to). The Literary Group International welcomes the opportunity to consider serious new voices. The best way for you to represent your manuscript once it is on our desks is to present us with a polished, professional submission by following these guidelines exactly.
Loretta Barret Books, Inc.
Fiction and non-fiction. Loretta Barrett Books, Inc. represents a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction for general audiences. Our fiction ranges from commercial thrillers, mysteries, romantic suspense mainstream women’s and men’s fiction and more literary works, and our nonfiction encompasses genres such as history, biography, popular science and psychology, spirituality and religion, health and nutrition, women’s issues, narrative nonfiction, memoir, humor, sports, politics and current affairs, true crime, etc. While there are far more areas that hold an interest for us than there are not, we do feel it is best to leave certain, more specialized genres to agencies with such focuses. These include cookbooks, gardening books, children’s books, science fiction and fantasy novels, and historical romance.
Lori Perkins Associates
10% of clients are new/unpublished. Accepts non-fiction (popular culture) and fiction (fantasy horror, dark literary and sci-fi). We do NOT represent screenplays, short story collections or poetry. (keep scrolling all the way to the bottom of the page)
Lowenstein Associates
20% are new/unpublished. Lowenstein Associates is accepting submissions for outstanding literary and commercial fiction, young adult and middle grade novels, cozy mysteries, memoir and narrative nonfiction, as well as nonfiction authors who have a strong platform and are leading experts in their field, including business, women’s issues, psychology, health, science and social issues. We particularly welcome submissions from women, LGBTQ writers and writers of color.
Manus & Associates Literary Agency
50% of clients are new/unpublished. Seeks women’s fiction, literary fiction, thrillers, narrative non-fiction, health, and sophisticated self help. (this site is all flash)
Margret McBride Literary Agency
Accepts fiction (legal, historical) and non-fiction (business, leadership, management, Our Agency welcomes the opportunity to review your book ideas, and encourages you to submit a query letter or book proposal to us via email ( In the subject line, please include your name and the title of your work.
Maria Carvainis Agency
Maria Carvainis Agency, Inc. represents a wide range of fiction and non-fiction with special interest in literary and mainstream fiction, mystery and suspense, thrillers, historicals, contemporary women’s fiction, young adult and middle grade, memoir, biography, history, business, psychology, pop culture and popular science. If you would like to query the agency, please send a query letter, a synopsis of the work, first 5-10 pages, and note of any writing credentials.
Accepts general and literary fiction with a particular interest in crime, thrillers, sci-fi and contemporary women’s fiction. Also accepts non-fiction and screenplays. We accept submissions by email only. We handle full-length fiction and non-fiction for adults and children. We will also look at factual TV and original screenplays. No children’s picture books, poetry, plays or musical theatre – sorry.. Please email your submission to the agent who you think is the best fit to consider your submission. You can see what our agents represent and what they’re looking for on the People page, and each agent’s email address is at the bottom of their page.
Martin Literary Management
Sharlene Martin, President
Sharlene Martin, Literary Manager/Producer
In 2003, Sharlene took her passion for great stories and their authors and her years in the entertainment industry, to form Martin Literary & Media Management. Her agency has experienced extraordinary success in sales and alliances. In the years since that time, her remarkable rise in the publishing industry is demonstrated by a rapidly growing list of non-fiction sales to such renowned major publishers as Penguin Random House, Harper Collins, St. Martin’s Press, Hachette, Simon and Schuster, as well as to a host of boutique publishers for specialized genre books.
Representing adult nonfiction, she has numerous New York Times bestsellers and high profile books, including: Impossible Odds: The Kidnapping of Jessica Buchanan and Her Dramatic Rescue by SEAL Team Six by Anthony Flacco; Picture Perfect: The Jodi Arias Story by Shanna Hogan; Notes Left Behind by Keith & Brooke Desserich; Raffaele Sollecito’s book, Honor Bound: My Journey to Hell and Back with Amanda Knox; HLN’s Jane Velez-Mitchell’s memoir, I Want; Suzanne Hansen’s You’ll Never Nanny in this Town Again; MaryJo Buttafuocco’s Getting It Through My Thick Skull; and The Goldman family’s If I Did It, based on the OJ Simpson murders of Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson. Many of Sharlene’s authors have had their books boosted as serial reprints in prestigious publications such as Readers’ Digest, People Magazine, WHO, and the London Times, and numerous clients have appeared on Oprah. Other client appearances include 60 Minutes, The TODAY Show, The View, Fox and Friends, Good Morning America, The Early Show, 20/20, 48 Hours, Discovery Channel, Inside Edition, The 700 Club, ET, The Insider, ABC Nightline, Dr. Phil, Anderson Cooper 360, CNN, HLN, Discovery ID and Fox News.
Meredith Bernstein Literary Agency
Fiction and nonfiction. No screenplays. For submissions of this nature please send single-sided, double-spaced hardcopy submissions that include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) .
Mic Cheetam Agency
Interested in edgy literary fiction, crime fiction, thrillers, historical fiction, and sci-fi / fantasy. New writers are advised to acquaint themselves with the work of the writers currently represented by the agency before submitting their own work.
Michael Larsen Author Coaching
Non-fiction: how-to, self-help, business, humor, spirituality, technology. Author How to Write a Book Proposal, Literary Agents, Guerrilla Marketing for Writers.
Michael Meller Literary Agency (Germany)
Representation by a professional and reputable literature agency has many advantages for an author: It takes away numerous activities for which he often lacks time and / or experience for successful completion and is a constant and competent contact for the author in the ever-changing publishing landscape . If you want to offer us a manuscript, please note the following: We mainly work together with the major publishers and are therefore looking for texts for the segments that appear there:fiction,Books for children and young readers, general non-fiction book,counselor.
Natash Kern Literary Agency
Fiction: commercial and literary, mainstream women’s, romance, historical, thrillers, suspense, and mysteries, mainstream sci-fi. Non-fiction: investigative journalism, health, science, women’s issues, parenting, spirituality, and more.
Nelson Literary Agency
Mr. Nelson is a former executive editor with Random House, Villard, Hyperion, and Harper Collins. Accepts fiction and non-fiction. We are now accepting queries solely through QueryManager. To submit, please see below to review what each agent is looking to acquire. You may submit to only one agent of your choice—a pass from one is a pass from all of us here at NLA. When you’re ready to query, click the purple query button for the agent you have chosen. This will take you to that agent’s query form, where you will be asked to submit information.
No listings at this time.
Paul and Peter Fritz
Specializes in the representation of English Language writing for publication in German. Also represents writers writing in German.
Paul S. Levine Literary Agency
Represents 30% non-fiction, 30% novels, 10% movie scripts, 30% TV scripts. No sci-fi, fantasy or horror. Adult non-fiction, commercial fiction.
Perkins Agency
Fiction and Nonfiction. We do NOT represent screenplays, poetry or short stories.
Peter Fraser and Dunlop
We read every submission we receive and aim to get back to you within eight weeks. However, because we receive a high number of submissions, we’re not always able to acknowledge receipt or offer detailed feedback. Please carefully read our guidelines below before sending your submission. Information about the type of submissions our agents are looking for can be found on the dedicated agents page. Please note that we only accept submissions via email.
Peter Lampack Agency
The Peter Lampack Agency no longer accepts material through conventional mail. When submitting, you should include a cover letter, author biography and a one or two page synopsis. Please do not send more than one sample chapter of your manuscript at a time. Due to the extremely high volume of submissions,we ask that you allow 4-6 weeks for a response. We do not charge a reading fee or any fee for office services.
Philip G. Spitzer Literary Agency
General Fiction, Mystery, Suspense/Thriller, Fantasy/Science Fiction, Juvenile Fiction, Biography, History, Travel, Children’s Books, Sports, African American, Politics, Current Events, While our client list is full at this time, queries may be sent via email to Please include your proposal and first chapter in the body of the email.
Pinder Lane & Garon-brooke Associates
We prefer email to snail mail submissions, with samples in Microsoft Word., We will not consider multiple submissions, mss submitted to other agencies simultaneously. A brief cover note with your experience, publishing credits and any interesting or pertinent facts, plus your contact information. A synopsis and brief writing sample (no more than a chapter.) We prefer the chapter to be the first chapter of the manuscript.
No listings at this time.
Rees Literary Agency
Accepts literary fiction and non-fiction (business, bio, and health). Founded in 1983, the Rees Literary Agency is renowned for its work with leading authors. We represent the following genres: literary and commercial fiction, memoirs, history, biography, business, young adult and middle grade, self-help, psychology and science.
Richard Henshaw Group, LLC
We are currently looking for projects in these categories: FICTION, Mystery, Thriller, Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Young Adult, Literature (Not part of our core business, but an occasional labor of love.), Horror (We are extremely selective owing to the limited market.) NON-FICTION, Popular Culture, Popular Reference, Popular Science, Psychology, Sports, Business, Celebrity Biography, Current Events, Health, Popular History, How-to, Movies. We do not represent children’s books, screenplays, short fiction, poetry, textbooks, scholarly works or coffee-table books. We only consider works between 65,000-150,000 words.
Roger Williams Agency
Looking for non-fiction projects in the following categories: History and Military History, with and emphasis on American History, Biography, or Autobiography/Memoir
Ricia Mainhardt Agency
Represents literary and commercial fiction and trade non-fiction. Especially interested in: narrative non-fiction, biography and autobiography, history, popular culture, medicine and health, psychology, parenting, nature and environment, outdoors/adventure, women’s issues, cultural and ethnic issues. No children’s books, poetry, plays or screenplays.
Rita Rosenkranz Literary Agency
Please send query letter via regular mail with SASE, or via e-mail. If requested, send proposal as a single Word doc attachment labeled the name of your book project. (Please do not send multiple, generically labeled attachments.) The agency does not accept submissions for screenplays, poetry, fiction, children’s or YA books. You should receive a response within two weeks
Robert Lecker Agency
Specializes in books about entertainment, pop culture, popular science, food, and travel.
Sagalyn Literary Agency
Focuses on up-market non-fiction, business books and commercial fiction. Please note that we specialize in quality non-fiction and mainstream fiction. We do not represent authors in a number of categories, e.g. romance, westerns and science fiction, and we do not represent poetry, children’s books, or screenplays.
Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
Fiction: commercial and literary (no westerns, romance, fantasy, sci-fi) Non-fiction: history, psychology, health, business, spiritual, self-help. And children’s fiction/non-fiction
Simenauer & Green Literary Agency
First and foremost, your submission should bring us a rip-roaring good, well-written story. We are accepting very few fiction submissions right now. When we do, our favorite subjects include mysteries, crime, thrillers, suspense, action adventure, historical novels based on facts, and women’s interests.
Sanford J. Greenburger Associates
General non-fiction. The agency does not represent screenplays.
Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
85% non-fiction, 15% fiction. Nonfiction: spiritual, psychology, self-help, women/men’s issues, books by health experts (conventional and alternative), cookbooks, narrative non-fiction, natural science, nature, memoirs, cutting-edge journalism, travel, multicultural issues, parenting, lifestyle. Fiction: sophisticated mainstream and literary fiction with a distinctive voice. We are also looking for edgy Young Adult fiction.
Seliteray, Galen, Ghosh
Lit agent for books.
Serendipity Literary Agency
Represent 60% non-fiction (actively seeking African-American non-fiction, computer books, and juvenile books0 and 40% novels. (use Submissions menu for type of submission)
The Seymour Agency
Fiction and non-fiction (see each agent for query type)
Sheree Bykofsky Associates Literary Agency
Accepts literary and commercial adult fiction and non-fiction (popular reference, business, self-help, humor, biography, memoir, women’s, spiritual, health, fitness, multicultural, parenting, gay/lesbian, and cooking. (scroll down to Book Proposals at a Glance)
Speciality Book Marketing
Accepts Children’s and middle-grad fiction and non-fiction. Our literary agency is small and select. We will consider inquiries for: Children’s, Middle Grade, and YA Nonfiction , special interest nonfiction, illustrated or not, provided the author is a credible authority or student of the subject matter and material is from primary sources.
Spectrum Literary Agency
Represents new and established writers of non-fiction and novels. Agent Lucieene Driver handles 95% fiction and accepts queries for sci-fi, fantasy, mystery, suspense, and romance.
The Spieler Agency
Non-fiction and literary fiction. If your book is non-fiction, and we would like to know more about it, we will ask you to send us a proposal. If you’ve never prepared one—or even if you have—you may want to have a look at one of the many websites that offer information about crafting a proper proposal. You may also wish to read Michael Larsen’s How To Write a Book Proposal, which is still the Gold Standard on this topic.
Stephen Pevner Inc.
Specializes in motion pictures, novels, humor, pop culture, urban fiction, and independent filmmakers Animation, Books, Commercials, Direct-to-Video, Documentaries, Feature Films, Internet Content, Mobile Content, Music Videos, Theatre, Television, and Special events.
No Poetry and Short Stories..
Stimola Literary Studio
Preschool through young adult fiction and non-fiction. Please see our AGENTS page to select the agent to whom you wish to submit. Please do not query multiple agents. If your project is better suited to another agent at the Studio, we are happy to share with each other.
Strachan Literary Agency
Fiction: Primarily literary fiction and upmarket commercial. In general no genre fiction, however will consider fiction with crossover potential if beautifully written. Nonfiction: Narrative nonfiction, including memoirs and travel writing. Will consider other nonfiction projects if quirky or interesting. Particularly interested in “single subject” books (think SALT, or COD, or MAUVE, etc.) Children’s: High quality YA or middle grade fiction. No picture books. What we don’t handle: Most genre fiction (romance, mystery, science fiction, fantasy, thrillers) unless highly literary, Children’s picture books, Poetry, Screenplays
Stuart Krichevsky Agency
Areas of interest include history, adventure, politics and current affairs, biography, science & natural history, technology & culture, business and memoir. Our fiction list includes authors of literary, commercial, and young adult fiction.
The Stuart Agency
The Stuart Agency is a full-service literary agency representing a wide range of high-quality nonfiction and fiction, from Pulitzer Prize winners and entertainment figures to journalists, public intellectuals, academics and novelists. We serve as creative and business partners to our clients through all stages of the publishing process. Our goal is to maximize the potential of their intellectual property across a variety of media — from books, film and television to magazine and electronic formats.
Susijn Agency
The agency’s focus is on authors with international appeal, selling rights worldwide. We represent authors writing in various different languages. Represents fiction and no-fiction. Specializes in international works, selling world rights, representing non-English language writing as well and English.
Ted Weinstein Literary Management
Seeks non-fiction only in these areas: current affairs, politics, biography, history, business, science, technology, environment, pop culture, lifestyle, travel, self-help, health and medicine
Toni Lopopolo Literary Management
Fiction: Query letter, synopsis, first five pages of first chapter, and description of fiction writing studies. No attachments, please. Just the email. Nonfiction: Query describing project and writer’s credentials. Please let us know if you have a formal book proposal and sample chapters.
Transatlantic Agency
Transatlantic Agency is a North American, full-service literary agency recognized in the industry for integrity, passion and commitment. Transatlantic specializes in career management for writers and illustrators, covering domestic and international rights, speaking engagements, film/TV and content development, ranging from commercial to literary fiction and nonfiction of all types and for all ages. Transatlantic agents do not handle stage plays, musicals or screenplays (except those related to the book-to-tv/film projects of their clients).
Trident Media Group
Our literary agency is actively seeking new or established authors in a variety of genres and categories of both fiction and non-fiction
Union Literary (Elisabeth McHugh)
Accepts most fiction (except SF/Fantasy, Horror, Children’s Books) and all areas of non-fiction, such as Animals, anthropology, biographies, parenting, cooking/nutrition, education, gardening, military, finance, recreation, alternative medicine, and others. Please be sure to read and consider the agent bios when submitting to the agency, and only submit to the agent you think will best respond to the work. If we think it’s a better fit for someone else within the agency, we will happily refer it to them.
Authors who wish to contact us regarding potential representation should send a query letter with the first three chapters (or about 25 pages) pasted into the body of the message to We will only accept queries via email. Query letters should describe the project and the author in the body of a single, one-page email that does not contain any attached files. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please paste the first three chapters of your manuscript (or about 25 pages, and feel free to round up to a chapter break) into the body of your email.
Vines Agency
Fiction (women’s romantic suspense, historical, supernatural thrillers, mainstream fiction, literary, political thrillers, and legal thrillers) and commercial non-fiction.
Wade & Co Literary Agency
New proposals for full length adult and young adult books (excluding children’s books or poetry) are always welcome. We much prefer to receive queries and submissions by email, although we do, of course, accept proposals by post. There is no need to telephone in advance.
Wales Literary Agency
Narrative non-fiction and literary fiction. Non-fiction projects that have cultural or political impact. Elizabeth Wales accepts books designed for a female readership. No genre fiction, westerns, romance, sci-fi or horror. Has a special interest in Pacific Rim, West Coast, and Pacific Northwest stories.
The Wallace Literary Agency
Watkins/Loomis Agency
Specializes in literary fiction, biography, memoir, and political journalism. Our list includes Guggenheim Fellows, MacArthur Fellows, recipients of the American Book Award, PEN American Center Lifetime Achievement Award, National Book Award, and James Beard Award, among others.
Waxman Literary Agency
Accepts narrative non-fiction, literary and commercial fiction, memoir, sports, business, culture, health and fitness. We are not accepting submissions for middle grade or children’s books, screenplays, or illustrations.
Wendy Schmalz Agency
Adult fiction and non-fiction. We accept e-mail queries only. Please include a synopsis in the body of the e-mail. Do not attach the manuscript or sample chapters. We respond to queries only if we’re interested in reading the manuscript. If you do not receive a reply within two weeks, it means your manuscript is not right for us.
Wendy Sherman Associates Literary Management
In search of quality fiction, thrillers, suspense, narrative non-fiction, practical non-fiction, memoir, human drama. 15-20% of clients are new/unpublished. Seeks fiction (literary and quality/quality women’s fiction, and suspense) and non-fiction (narrative , popular psychology, and parenting)
WM Clark Associates
Mainstream literary fiction and non-fiction in the following areas” Memoirs, pop culture, current events.
William Morris Agency
Fiction and no-fiction. Include synopsis and publication history. WME does not have agent contact specifics or guidelines on its site. As with most agencies you should query first after tracking down the contact information for the agent you are interested in.
Writers House Literary Agency
50% of clients are new/unpublished. Specializes in all types of popular fiction and non-fiction, everything you might find in a bookstore. Query. Clients include Nora Roberts, V.C. Andrews, Stephen Hawking, Ken Follett, and Heinrich Boll.50% of clients are new/unpublished. Specializes in all types of popular fiction and non-fiction, everything you might find in a bookstore. Query. Clients include Nora Roberts, V.C. Andrews, Stephen Hawking, Ken Follett, and Heinrich Boll.
No listings at this time.
No listings at this time.
The Zack Company Literary Agency
Andrew Zack non-fiction and commercial fiction, esp. thrillers of every type. The Zack Company is currently seeking new authors on the following Nonfiction subjects: Politics,, Military, Current Affairs/Events, Defense/National Security/Intelligence, Politics. I am also looking for works that might be complementary to those subject areas, specifically books having to do with the following Science & Technology, Science & Nature, especially with an environmental or ecological angle, Popular Science, Aviation, Journalistic nonfiction of an investigative nature, Women’s Issues, from a woman’s right to choose to breaking through the glass-ceiling at work, True Crime
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